a little


Newborn, Family and Maternity photographer in Bradford, West Yorkshire


Im kate, your motherhood photographer, a lover of love, light and deep connection.

 My desire to photograph mothers comes from immense guilt. The guilt of not capturing the start of my own motherhood journey eats away at me, and because of this i truly believe that my calling in life is to create for you what i wish i had for myself. So if you’re not sure if this moment in your life is worth documenting, take it from me, it is! Over and over again.

For me, the nostalgia of motherhood is the feeling of having them growing inside of us, the little flutters that only we can feel. the raw yearning to be closer to them, even though we are cuddling them. The longing to bottle up that baby smell, and feeling of sadness as it starts to fade. The sheer excitement as they take their first steps, but wanting the clock to stop, just for a moment.

The feeling of infinite love and emotion needed substance, and photography became my outlet. I wanted to create a nostalgic time capsule for other mothers, to articulate the love that defines them.. And that is how it all started.


Beyond the frames, I’m a mama to my two beautiful children, Arthur and ivy, a Wife to my biggest cheerleader, Chris and a dog mama to a beautiful Cocker Spaniel, Arlo. I’m a coffee loving, voice noting, podcast junkie and I draw daily inspiration through my ear pods that fuel my creative spirit! 

I want your home to be filled with breathtaking, timeless family photographs that will make you burst with pride and beautiful family photographs that make you feel something. I have created a beautiful photoshoot experience that is like no other, and i can’t wait to capture you and yours!  


taking risks

[include the text from a popular and relevant blog post here]

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at home


small town girl


my only vice